Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The win!!!

We won the game!!!!
I also now owe the whole team (well the ones that were at the game) an ice cream of some sort since there was a double play on our end YAY!!!

The final score ended up being 17-8.

Eveyone did a great job and I am proud of everyone.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Game Time!!

Well we are supposed to have a game tonight...

The weather is also supposed to be 70 with rain and thudershowers... We will see.

Right now it doesn't look too bad out. I really hope we get to play... I will post the results in the morning!!

Wish us luck!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


This is just a post for an update and no pictures...

Dad is doing good. He gets the staples out of his knee Friday. He has been walking around a little without the crutches BUT definately feels it later that day or the next day. Every day he gets a little bit better. We cant wait for him to be his best again..

The PT he has been doing has been helping a lot. He can now bend his knee farther then he can remember ever being able to do for the longest time and is starting to enjoy that.

I will keep all you readers updated.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Camping

Well we just got back yesterday afternoon from camping all weekend with Josh's parents and grandparents.
This is Grandma Mary, Grandpa Glenn, and Dad Arlint.
Josh and Grandma and Grandpa's dog...
This is Miss Kitty in her blanket. She was cold all weekend.
We were basically stuck in their motorhome all weekend as it rained the entire time. Well it stopped on Monday when we were packing things up and cleaning up camp. I don't have any other pics from the weekend as with the weather they would have all been taken in the Motorhome.

Conrad and Alli came by on Sunday to visit. It was nice to see them again. We sure hope Alli gets better soon.

We will be making another trip to Helena on Saturday and I think spending some of the day if not most of it with Conrad and Alli and then going to Josh's parents house for the night and then celebrating Elexis' birthday with Cory and Mandy coming in from Boise. I will be sure to get pics.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Josh Post


The infamouse steeler of the 100th post MUHAHAHA.

I am starting to get the itch to go packing again. The wet season was good this year which means the forests may stay open through the fire season. I can't wait to go explore some new trails and lakes.

I intend to go back to Ramshorn lake again this year, and I might two trip it over the pass and drop into the petrified forest. I went that far last time by mistake but I was pushing so hard that I didn't get to enjoy it fully.

I also plan on going up Helgard Basin, to do some major fishing. Some inordinatly huge amount of lakes up there and an excellent oppertunity to do some geocaching. This trip is the tentative replacment for the Smith Float in case the river is low or we don't get slot we are shooting for, but I intend to go up there sometime this year regardless of the Smith outcome.

I also hope to get in a few more light hitters but I will have to see. So far I went part way up to Lava Lake in Feb before the elevation got the better of the guy I was with, and I also made it a good ways into beartrap canyon in March, again the crew I was with wasn't in any shape to finish the full trail but better safe than sorry when you are going with groups. It is easy to figure out your limits but hard to account for others.


Well Dad went in for knee surgery yesterday...

I called today and he's doing ok, in lots of pain but ok. Yesterday when I was talking to my mom the doc. seemed to think that he may be able to go home on Friday. Originally when he was going in for the surgery he was only supposed to get a partial knee replacement with the chance of having to have a full knee replacement. It only had to be a partial. YAY.

Hopefully he will be able to go home on Friday. I am going to call him later today to see if he's doing any better. I will keep all you readers updated!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

YAY and not so yay

The YAY part is that I have hit 100 posts...although this is 101 since Josh felt he had to use up my number 100!!! ARGH ;) hee hee... I still love you!!!

The not so yay part is:

Now brace yourselves...

It's almost June and....


Dad went in for knee sugery this morning and will be in the hospital for the next 4-6 days pending on how he does. I will keep you all updated with his progress!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Here is Josh's work pc.


Apparently Yesterday was screenshot day. So here is what my computer desktop at work looks like...

Monday, May 19, 2008


We went to see this on Saturday night
Such a great movie... I can't wait for the next one (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) to come out May 7, 2010. YAY... So exciting

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I was going through pictures and came across this one..
It is one of my favorites that I was able to capture when we were at my parents house for Christmas...

Last nights game

We won the game!!!!

It ended up being a total score of 15-3. It sure was a blast.
Well Victory isn't mine it's ours.

Everyone did a great job and everyone had a great time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


narnia books

I recommend all parents get this book set for their little readers at home!!! It is also good for the older readers at home!! I love this series and have ever since I was a kid!!

A couple Movie Reviews!!

Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Wow... what a disappointment. We went to Helena for Mother's day and his mom decided that she wanted to see this movie. So we treated her to it. The site that she went to said that it was an 8 start movie... and the previews made it look like a really good comedy...I would have given it a .5 star. We got to the theatre and we saw that it was rated R. She didn't know why it was rated R and we soon found out. It turned out to be a glorified porno. Josh and I would have preferred to leave but she said that we spent the money on it and thought that it would get better. It didn't. Granted about 3 spots with out much going on were a couple funny parts... but not that many.
We got back to the house and Josh quickly made his way to the computer and showed his mom where to look for reviews on movies so that this won't happen again...
Very disappointing...

Speed Racer
Speed Racer
Very well done. We enjoyed every moment of it, it totally kept us laughing throughout the whole thing. There is one curse word but it's bleeped out and I would say that you should take your kids to it. In the beginning it looks like it's going to be just ok, but bare with it. It gets loads better!!

Friday, May 9, 2008


I hate it when we have been having GORGEOUS weather and then wake up the next day to ...
It's snowing....
No that's not dandruff!!!!!!

I am so ready for summer to be here and snow to be OVERWITH!!!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008


On Saturday morning we went to our neighbors pasture and took a look at the new addition to the family... She is just such a cutie!!!

What my day so far Consisted of...

I had 3 doors to decorate...

I got food put out and ready as well as all the beer put in the fridge!

I got party favors all put out. The party favors include miniature maracas, miniature tambourines, whistles, and the noisy blowers...

You can't have a party without playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey...

Currently I am sitting at my desk cutting all the tails out for the game...

All this for a party at work...



The other week it was assistant appreciation week. I got theses...
from my boss..... First time EVER I have recieved anything like this from one of my boss'.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Last nights game

lost the game
As you can see from the picture we lost the game last night. It ended up being 3-10. It's fine with me that we lost its just that the other team had better hits then us. Our infield was spectacular!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Softball Game

Our first softball game is tonight at 7:30.

I hope the weather stays like it is. Although its supposed to snow... ARGH!!! It is definately going to be chilly but that we can deal with.

Wish us luck!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Our neighbors just had a baby horse...

Such a cutie!!!