Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Well the trip to Washington was good. We ended up leaving Thursday after we were done babysitting. We got home around 10:30 PM packed the car up, and left. We arrived in Endicott arount 5-6 in the morning. Slept for a couple hours and then went about our day. We took the dogs into town and played in the football field. Had lunch with my mom and the girls at school. Later that night I made a trip into the school with my dad to help him finish a few things that he wasnt able to get done due to a play that one of the teachers needed to put on. My friend Melody made a stop at the school to say hi and helped take down some of the decorations from the play. We left Monday afternoon and arrived here Monday night around 8ish.

Our friends Conrad and Ali, from Helena, came down on Friday for Conrads job and have stayed with us for the weekend. Saturday I had to work so I didnt do much with them during the day. But when I got home we had dinner and played Killer Bunnies with more friends, Levi and Ji. Levi and Ji left after a 2 hour Killer Bunny game and then the last four of us played a rivoting game of Phase 10 for about an hour. We still weren't quite tired so we played a little Guitar Hero till just after midnight and then all headed for bed.

Yesterday was our little brother Nic's birthday. He turned 7 and didnt have a baseball mit. So for his preasent that is what we got him. Josh couldnt stay long at the party at Burger King as we had company and I couldnt make it as I was at work.

Tonight after Conrad and Ali leave we have a graduation BBQ to attend for a couple of our other friends Kyle and Lyndsay, they married last August. It should be really fun.

Sorry for the lack of pictures as facebook and my computer are not liking the fact that I have pictures for some of these posts but that is ok.

Next weekend Josh is making a trip to Helena to help his mom with her new iTouch and to visit for the weekend. I have to work on Saturday so I will be staying home with the girls and reading some books over. Some of you know which books those are. I may try to read all four of them in 2 days. Doubt I can but it is worth a try. :)

Well I hope you all are having a good weekend.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Memorial Weekend

Hey there!

This Thursday night/Friday morning we are heading off to Washington to spend it with my family in Endicott. Joshs game for Friday night got cancelled which makes us able to leave a day earlier then we planned.

We are excited to see them, it has been close to a year of us not being there. So, it's about time.

I won't be able to update the blog till we get back next week.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Wishing all the moms out there a Happy Mothers Day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Softball Season

You can always tell when it's softball season in the Arlint household. I attain bruises on my legs from stopping balls that my mit isn't quite fast enough for. The bruise is basically gone just a really sore spot on my leg.

Other then that not much is going on.