Here is what has been happening the last couple of months...
Big E made this for me for Mothers Day! I totally love it!!!
Josh got a new toy!
We got the ceiling in the living room, kitchen, and hallway bathroom scraped and repainted.
We got rooms finished and put together. The girls room will be upstairs... I almost have the dragonfly done now. Just have 1 full wing and a partial to go. Should be able to get it done this week... Little E we have in the office with the dragon theme (for now) and big E has his room done except for flooring and we are going to wait on flooring till we have all the rooms done. Will be building another room this summer so we have 2 bedrooms in the basement and then Josh can have his office back.
Please welcome E (8 years old), J (6 years old), and V (4 years old) to our house. We are starting a transition for them to come live with us. We had them this past weekend and had a great time!!!