Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 30, 2010



So after 3 hours of Josh working with S on potty training and having to spot clean the carpet multiple times in that 3 hours, Josh decided that its not time for potty training yet.

Hee hee...

On other news...

Our friends Randi and Devlin are moving to Colorado for Randi to go to vet school. Devlin will be traveling back and forth for work. All the friends got together to throw a going away party. It was a blast!! These two will definately be missed.

R had his last day of summer school yesterday..

We are going to a BBQ tonight at a neighbors house. Jeff is on leave from the Army and is home for two weeks so his wife and kids are throwing a BBQ to welcome him home with friends. It should be fun!

The softball season was a ton of fun. Josh might be subbing for a team this weekend. He is hopes that he can play. If so he will have two games tomorrow. Monday my team will be starting tournaments. I am super excited!!! I think we will do pretty well!!! I will update as we progress with it.

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