Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Well this will be the last weekend we will have the boys in our care. They will be leaving on Sept 4. We will be taking them to Bozeman for the transition around 8 AM. We figure both boys will do a little better if we are the ones dropping them off and not someone else picking them up to drop them off.

We have no idea how R will take it as he will lose a lot of trust that he has built up with us as soon as he realizes that he won't be coming back to us. We hope the best for them. We have told the people they are going to that we are more then willing to stay in their life as much as the parents feel is right. If not at all we will understand but hope that at least for the first part they call us with questions as we have figured out what works best for them.

When they leave we all will miss them very much, but we know given the right circumstances they will prosper!

Boys you will be missed!

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