Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rocky Mountain National Tournaments

Just this last weekend we made the trip to Denver Colorado for E to attend the Rocky Mountain National Tournaments for wrestling. Overall it was a good weekend and I enjoyed it even though I knew nothing that was going on for the most part. E and Josh and E's brother K had to keep explaining things to me... By the end of the day on Saturday I was able to follow a little of what was going on without help! Success!!

There were 16 mats going on at once! Huge!!

E getting ready for the first match...

E had the other guys foot and swiped the other foot from the floor and did a really nice move...


Match 2
E almost had him pinned...

Then got pinned himself...
He lost...Bummer!!

Match 3
Getting ready to go...

Not doing so well with this guy...

This last guy was just beating E up... More beating then wrestling... I felt so bad for E!!

Even though he lost the last two matches he said he had a great time wrestling and that he never before enjoyed getting ready to wrestle right before a match until Saturday. That alone is a great weekend!!!

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