Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Foster care

S age 1

R age 3

So Sunday we finished the first set of classes that we need to attend to become foster parents. We were told the wait is about 6 months to a year. We were fine with that as it gave us more time to get the house to where it would pass inspection and get it ready for little kids.

Monday night we recieved a phone call for an emergency placement of 2 little boys. A 3 year old named R and a 1 year old named S.

We currently have a temporary foster care license and they are putting our stuff through rush to get us a permanent one.

It is definitely quite the different life from Sunday night to last night. Though with everything they have been through they went to sleep fairly easy last night and seem somewhat fine today. They seem content and are even treating the kitty with nice pets :).

What I am attempting today and tomorrow is to get a routine all set up which will include a nap and bedtime at a decent hour. With everything that went on yesterday they didn't get to bed until around 10. I woke them up at 7:45 to start the routine and had them dressed and fed by 8:15. I would like to think that I am doing fairly well so far. Later today I plan to let them play in the front yard a little bit with a ball or something.

S currently has no shoes yet and the social worker is supposed to be here some time today with more paper work (I think) and a pair of shoes for him.

S likes to give hugs, and R is playing with an old deck of cards.

S has decided to sit on my lap so I will update later as to what we did today...

Hope you all are having a good day!

One more shout out to our fried Mr. Hager. We hope that you get well soon and return back to the neighborhood. You are missed!

Our dog the klutz!!!

So our younger dog Kunami, being the klutz she is, gets hurt a lot. She loves to run and the pads on her feet are dry. She ran so much the other day that part of the protective part of the pad feel off of her foot. We now have to try to keep a pair of socks on her feet to keep them clean from infection. Above is a picture of our little pathetic puppy!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Classes #2 & #3

Well we have finished this set of classes. We learned a lot of stuff and talked to the other couples/people that were in our classes with us. Everyone there was really nice and easy to talk to.

There is another class/seminar this fall. Not exactly sure when exactly but we will get some mail on it.

We talked with the caseworker that was put on our files and we really like her. There are immediately a few in front of us as well as an adoption that is in front of us. By saying 'in front of us' I am talking about having our house study done. We know that they will have to come a couple times as we bought a house that was a fixer upper.

I definitely can't believe there are people out there that say people do foster care for the money. That was something that was brought up today in class. I can honestly say that you don't get enough money to live on doing foster care. Josh and I would even do it if there was no money involved. Originally we were told that it is $.16 a day. Come to find out it is more then that, but it still doesn't matter one bit to us. We are ready for this next step and just want to have a little one in our house to give love and a home to.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Class #1

So we had our first class last night. We went into it kinda worried that we would be the youngest couple there and everyone would look down on us. That wasn't the case. There were 9-10 couples and a couple of them were close to our age, there was even one couple in the same situation as us. That made us feel better. Not that they are having the same issues, but that we weren't the only ones.

I got the picture from here. We have class #2 today starting at 9 and going to 5.

On a side note I found this picture and thought it was Saturday morning worthy...

Friday, June 26, 2009


Up was a cute movie definitely a good kids movie.

There were parts of it that were a little boring but there were tons of funny parts to counter act it. It was about an hour and a half full of animated amusement.

The little pixar movie before the main attraction was hilarious. It was called party cloudy or something close... Definitely quite the inspiration had to come to make that. Definitely a good one.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The fence before the gate was in...

The gate is in but not quite finished...

I was making my lunch and looked out side to see the beautiful sun and this is what I saw...

Two very lazy dogs!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Odds 'n Ends

So Josh and Shane are getting the fence gate put in between us and our backyard neighbors. It will be a ton easier to get to their house, and vice-versa, without having to jump the fence. They are hoping to get it done tonight. I hope that they do so that I don't have to worry about our dogs getting out and roaming the town all night long. I am sure that it will get done... I didn't think to take any pictures until just now, but now it is to dark for anything to show up on the camera. I will take a picture of the final project and I am sure that in my mass of pictures I will find a before one to go with it.

Josh asked me last week if I could make his team a cheesecake. So there is now a rhubarb cheesecake in my fridge for him to take to work tomorrow. It smells so good... I just want to cut into it and take a piece!

Tomorrow night after I get off work our friend Danielle and us are going to go watch 'Up'.

I think it will be a good one. I will let you know how it is after we see it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

This past weekend

My parents were here for a visit but I didn't snap any pictures. My mom did and once she emails them to me I will put some on here for you to see!

The discussion!

Josh and I had a long discussion on what we want to accomplish in the next year. We have talked it over thoroughly and have decided to start taking the steps to become foster parents and probably adopt in the future. We have our first set of classes for being foster parents this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I will let you know how the classes go and keep you updated on things. We were told that it is about a 6 - 9 month process, so keep your fingers crossed for us.

There are personal reasons on why we have come to this decision that we don't really want to talk about much further at this point in time. Only time will tell us what we are meant to do.


Skeeter, Kunami, and our cat Roxy. Definately a calm day in the Arlint household. Usually the dogs are chasing the cat around, so I took the opportunity to snap a picture of the calmness!

Back in March on a day when there was no snow and it was quite nice outside I happened to look out the window and see our oldest dog Skeeter lounging in the sun. There is no grass in the backyard yet as it was still winter and we still had days of snow until just recently in May.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary

We have been together for 6 years and married for 4 of them. I wouldn't change a thing!

Happy 4th Anniversary Josh!!!!