Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Foster care

S age 1

R age 3

So Sunday we finished the first set of classes that we need to attend to become foster parents. We were told the wait is about 6 months to a year. We were fine with that as it gave us more time to get the house to where it would pass inspection and get it ready for little kids.

Monday night we recieved a phone call for an emergency placement of 2 little boys. A 3 year old named R and a 1 year old named S.

We currently have a temporary foster care license and they are putting our stuff through rush to get us a permanent one.

It is definitely quite the different life from Sunday night to last night. Though with everything they have been through they went to sleep fairly easy last night and seem somewhat fine today. They seem content and are even treating the kitty with nice pets :).

What I am attempting today and tomorrow is to get a routine all set up which will include a nap and bedtime at a decent hour. With everything that went on yesterday they didn't get to bed until around 10. I woke them up at 7:45 to start the routine and had them dressed and fed by 8:15. I would like to think that I am doing fairly well so far. Later today I plan to let them play in the front yard a little bit with a ball or something.

S currently has no shoes yet and the social worker is supposed to be here some time today with more paper work (I think) and a pair of shoes for him.

S likes to give hugs, and R is playing with an old deck of cards.

S has decided to sit on my lap so I will update later as to what we did today...

Hope you all are having a good day!

One more shout out to our fried Mr. Hager. We hope that you get well soon and return back to the neighborhood. You are missed!

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