Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 6, 2009

The potty!!!

We were told that when the boys were at the foster family before us R started with potty training..... PIcture found here

Today is day one of potty training in the Arlint household and so far he has 10 stickers for going potty on the potty.. YAY.... Only 2 accidents in his briches!

Not to bad if I say so myself...

Mom Arlint came by today with a blanket and teddy bear for each boy to take with them when they leave us to go back to their mom. It is a way for them to know that they were in a place that loved them. They each have a life book and now I have enough pictures to send to Costco to get developed to put in each of them... It will probably be my project for this weekend.

Well they are off taking a nap (sorta(R fights it)). So I am going to do some laundry to get caught up.

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