Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Classes #2 & #3

Well we have finished this set of classes. We learned a lot of stuff and talked to the other couples/people that were in our classes with us. Everyone there was really nice and easy to talk to.

There is another class/seminar this fall. Not exactly sure when exactly but we will get some mail on it.

We talked with the caseworker that was put on our files and we really like her. There are immediately a few in front of us as well as an adoption that is in front of us. By saying 'in front of us' I am talking about having our house study done. We know that they will have to come a couple times as we bought a house that was a fixer upper.

I definitely can't believe there are people out there that say people do foster care for the money. That was something that was brought up today in class. I can honestly say that you don't get enough money to live on doing foster care. Josh and I would even do it if there was no money involved. Originally we were told that it is $.16 a day. Come to find out it is more then that, but it still doesn't matter one bit to us. We are ready for this next step and just want to have a little one in our house to give love and a home to.

1 comment:

Arbuckle17 said...

The classes were great, they did a lot to prepare us for some of the things we may have to deal with.

We are both a bit nervious. Taking in a kid who was abused can be a real challenge.

One of the things that really suprised me was some of the discrimination that foster parents often end up being the brunt of. You have an unruley child whose brain is a jigsaw puzzle that are you are trying to put back together. People don't always understand that.

Thank god we have such understanding family and friends.