Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More house work

So our main project that we are wanting to get done before May is the master bedroom/bathroom suite. We are trying to save money for not only the project BUT Christmas and Thanksgiving. We are traveling for both of them, Helena MT for Thanksgiving and Washington for Christmas.
The tub is long enough for a 6 foot tall person to lay down comfortably, Josh is 6'1" so it made sense. It also has jets. Just give us a call if you wanna try it out!.. hee hee.. Its actually been quite the project. The house (when we moved in) had 3 bedrooms upstairs and now it only has 2. We took the wall from between the two back rooms and combined them to make the master bedroom. We added a walk in closet as well. The bathroom (when finished) will be 8X6. Not to bad if I say so myself.
I will have more pictures later as to what it is looking like now. Basically its a constant mess of construction. I would love it to all be done but we dont see the house being totally done for the next 5-6 years or even more. That is what you get for buying a fixer upper. Hee hee, although, everyday we get closer to getting it done the more we are starting to feel more like a home and not just a crazy house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh! What a big project - good for you guys! What a lucky gal to have your man be able to do all that!! It's going to be so nice once its all finished, huh? Good deal!

Jess, your words were really reaffirming - thank you!! Haha, and I am being patient, but do you remember those "girly" moments before Josh? Haha, I think I was just having one! =)