This post is dedicated to the Hanger Family.
Keith Hanger is the guy on the left hand side of the picture in the blue shirt. He had a stroke this past Tuesday night and is in the hospital the rest of the week.

Here are some symptoms of a stroke.
1. Numbness in the face, arms, or legs, especially on one side of the body.
2. Confusion.
3. Difficulty speaking or understanding.
4. trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
5. Loss of balance or coordination.
6. Sudden, severe headache with no known cause.
Call 911 right away if you or someone you are with suddenly experiences any of the symptoms above.
In Keiths case all he had was confusion, no pain...
I ask all of you who read this to please pray for Keith and the family. So far all he has lost is some peripheral vision. Hoping that is all that is lost.