Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas is done

Well yesterday I took down all the inside decorations and Josh took down all the lights outside. Christmas is almost totally over in our house. We will keep the Christmas cards on display for a few more days to see if we receive any more straglers.

The kids have been home all week and everytime I try to do something I send them to go play downstairs and always within 5 minutes someone is crying or tattling on another. Am to the point where they need to be in school! ha ha ha ha..

It's not horribly bad, but they keep asking when they go back to school as well... I think that they are finally getting bored of playing with each other. Hopefully during the spring break it won't be as bad... I guess then they will be able to play outside more as there won't be as much mud in the yard...ha ha ha

30 weeks...

So far so good. He moves tons and loves to keep me up!!! He definately favors one side at night and it always ends up being the side I am NOT laying on. Go figure...

I am enjoying feeling him move and am getting more and more nervous/anxious/excited for the day for us to finally see him come.

We should be able to get the girls moved so that we can start working on his room in Jan. Definately looking forward to that!!

Bandaid fun.......I think....

All the kids got bandaids for Christmas and the girls decided they wanted to play doctor with Josh..

This is what I walked in to find....

He even let the girls take off most of the bandaids.... I totally wouldn't have!!

Thanks Conrad and Ali

They all had a great time putting their piggy banks together.

I have made the babies just not going to post pictures of his until after he is born!! hee hee

Sledding over Christmas

There was lots of crashes and lots of fun!!

A couple times the girls got snow in their faces and ended up wanting to be done for awhile... but ended up going more...

All-in-all it was a good trip.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


The girls had a Christmas Party for Girlscouts and I was told that we needed to bring 20 sweets for 20 girls. So I decided on cupcakes..

I had a TON of fun with these ones!!! Definately tasted good as well!!

New Cheesecake

I made a cheesecake for Josh to take to work...

This one is a Rocky Road Cheesecake. He said that everyone loved it, which makes me happy!!

Girl Scouts went Caroling...

They had a great time singing for the older people...


I finally had time to finish sewing on all of Josh's Boyscout and Civil Air Patrol patches from when he was a kid...He has some military ones that I need to put on but I need to add more squares to the blanket itself for them to fit... So I guess technically it isn't done but it't tons closer!!

Christmas Concerts...

V went first...

Then later that night is was time for J...

2 nights later it was E's turn...

New room

E was finally able to move into his new room. He was very excited and still likes it to this day.

Now we are stopping for the holidays and then will start working on J's new room so that we can get the room upstairs empty for when baby gets here...

28 and 29 weeks respectively...

Sorry was really busy all last week and I just now have a few minutes where I can catch up... ha ha ha

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cute Kids!!!

They all clean up quite nicely!!! ha ha ha

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Construction around the house...

I got the new room for E primed and ready for paint...

Then I got it painted and Josh and his dad got the ceiling put up. Later that night Josh painted the floor to make it easier for the kiddo to take care of it.

We finally got the doorway that we moved in J's room textured. Now I need to paint it. Will be waiting till after the holidays though!

Josh got the first coat of mud on the ceiling and around the fireplace in the livingroom downstairs.. Starting to look more like a home...

And finally we got the floor painted and the back wall put on the bathroom downstairs. Will be painting that next year as I think we are pretty much down for this month as the holidays are coming up.

It has definately been a couple really busy weeks!