Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Packing in winter

Josh went packing earlier this month with a co-workers husband. They both took the dogs with them... Kunami (our dog)is the skinnier and light brown one) Jake (their dog) is well.....the other one in the picture...
It was quite the experience for everyone that went. Lots of stuff happened that dont usually happen on packing trips.

Friday, February 22, 2008

What a day!!

Boy have we had quite the day!!
Sometimes you wish that people would pay attention to what they should and shouldn't be doing...
The person that should have stopped didn't stop and if they did they would be paying for 2 different sets of people new cars.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

Last night we had a Lunar Eclipse. The picture on this is from a co-worker of ours. The picture turned out quite good.. I was impressed.. Thanks Keith!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

The gift...


And Josh knows it!!!

This is what I now have to hang on one of our walls. I can't wait to get it framed and hung up!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008



Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Almost here

Well today is almost valentines day.

This is actually a sorta busy time of year for us. On Valentines day is one of our friends birthday, 2 days later is our neices birthdays. On top of all that we celebrate Valentines with each other and do special things for each other.

Mostly I just wanted to say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY a day early! hee hee

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Where were you when...

And in the 8th Grade.....

- Who was your best friend?
I would have to say that Melody and Sarah.. I was at their house more then my own..

- What sport did you play?
cheerleading…Not really a sport but to some it is… softball, volleyball

- Did you buy your lunch?
Nope at all the school lunches cause they were so great!!!

-Skipped shool?
Actually no I never really skipped school. I do remember a day that I went home early cause I caught the flu and was out for about a week. But I hated missing school cause I would have to make up all that homework… Definitely did not stay for the social part…

Did you get suspended/expelled?
Nope never got suspended or expelled BUT I sure got processed a lot… One day in Science class I got processed to Mr. Andersons class cause Amy F. and Rachel were talking and I was sitting in between them.. I got blamed and not only had to go to processing but had to write “I will not talk in class while the teacher is talking” 100 times… I was so mad at Rachael and Amy F.

- What was your favorite class?
Band and PE were my favorite classes… specially Kickball days…

- What was your school's name?
Endicott-St. John Middle School!

-Would you go back if you could?
No, I wouldn’t. There were many people that treated me like a big pile of terds and I would really not like to go through all that again.

-Where did you sit at lunch?
I sat at the lunch tables in the lunch room… Some times if my dad ate at the same time I did I went over and sat with him…

-Who was your science teacher?
Mr. Johnson, we didn’t get along all that well

- Who was your English teacher?
Mrs. Lynch... Love her to death!!!

- Who was your social studies teacher?
Mrs. Storment, I slept a lot in that room.

-Who was your math teacher?
Mr. Hellanious, he was fun and a good teacher

What were your outfits in the eighth grade?
hmm….clothes that were too big for me… clothes that were cheap and found at cheap clothing stores…

- Did you make prank calls?
Yes, didn’t everyone?

- Who did you like?
I liked Matt Riehle, and Mike Schlomer…

- Was it your favorite year of middle school?
Um…..NO…. The teachers and classes yes, some of the people I had to deal with a lot of the time no…

-Do you still hang out with the same people that you did when you were in middle school?
Nope… a lot of them don’t talk to me any more...some of them and I still talk though..

-Do you think middle school or high school is better?
I think that it started getting better about my junior year. Those people as mentioned before actually treated me like a Human being… I liked college WAY better…

I also got tagged and thought that I would put it on here as well.... So here you go!

--------10 years ago----------
1.) How old were you? 13
2.) Where did you go to school? Endicott
3.) Where did you work? I didn’t work
4) Where did you live? Endicott
5)Where did you hang out? home and at friends houses
6) Did you wear glasses? Yes
7.) Who was your best friend? Melody, Cherie, Ashley, Sarah
8.) How many tattoos did you have? 0
9.) How many piercings did you have? 0
10.) What car did you drive? I wasn’t old enough
11.) Had you been to a real party? nope
12.) Had you had your heart broken? nope
----------5 years ago-----------
1.) How old were you? 18
2.) Where did you go to school? St. John – Endicott until June and then started college in September at Moses Lake
3. Where did you work? At the Endicott School during the summers
4.) Where did you live? Endicott until September then Moses Lake
5.) Where did you hang out? At the Endicott school and at the dorms
6.) Did you wear glasses? Yes
7.) Who was your best friend? Mel, Joanna, Sydney, Tiffany
8.) How many tattoos did you have? 0
9.) How many piercings? 0
10.) What did you drive? Mazda
11.) Had your heart broken? Nope
13.) Were you Single/Taken/Married/ Divorced? Single until that June/July and then Taken
------------2 years ago--------------
1.) How old were you? 21
2.) Where did you go to school? Just graduated in June
3.) Where did you work? I was an R.A. for the Dorms until June and then started working at City Hall in July
4.)Where did you live? Moses Lake, WA until June and then moved to Bozeman Montana
5.) Where did you hang out? The dorms until i moved and then our apartment
6.) Did you wear glasses? contacts
7.) Who was your best friend? Josh, Jaime, Cindy, Chris, Bridget, AJ, Keith, Aaron, Garrett...etc...everyone I hung out with during those years at college.
9.) How many piercings did you have? ears
10.) What did you drive? Dodge Neon
11.) Had your heart broken? nope just got married that June
12.) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? married
1.) How old are you? 23
2.) Where do you go to school? Graduated already
3.) Where do you work? I work at RightNow Technologies, Inc.
4.) Where do you live? Belgrade Montana
5.) Do you wear glasses? contacts
6.) Where do you hang out? my house and the neighbors
7.) Do you talk to your old friends? A few of them
8.) How many piercings do you have? Just my ears
9.) How many tattoos? 1
10.) What kind of car do you have? Toyota Corolla
11.) Has your heart been broken? nope
12.) Singe, taken or Divorced? married!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lets think a little warmer!!

With the weather being as cold as it is I just wanted to post something from when we had a warmer day then what this winter brings us...
This was taken in our backyard mid summer. We have no grass.... well we do just in patches... Still trying to get it to grow!!... It takes forever...Hee hee....

One of Josh's friends gave us the green tent thing cause it was broken and Josh said that he could fix it... A little duct tape later, it works! The kids are our neighbors' kids. Josh is holding Abbie, Nathaniel is in the middle and Ellie is wearing the blue shirt. We love these neighbors and always have a great time spending time with them. They have another little boy named Samuel. He was not born when this picture was taken. When we have more updated ones I will post what he looks like. He is just a cute little baby!!

Monday, February 4, 2008



It was a very exceptional game. Everyone was on the edge of their seats the last 4 minutes of the game. Great passes were thrown and great tackles were made.

Both exceptional teams and a great game to watch. I love games when they are very very close scores!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Getting ready for the superbowl

This year we are throwing a super bowl party and I decided to make a cake to go with the theme.. I think it turned out quite well!!