Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment. I dont have pictures of everyone as I wasnt the one taking the pics...
Here is my costume..

The other Pippi....

Little Red Riding Hood....

Captain Jack Sparrow....

Little Red #2 and the wolf....

The Bargain Hunter....

The headless prom queen...

And the winner was.......

Happy Halloween!!!

Soooo no pics for this post.

Just wanted to say Happy Halloween!!!

I went to get pumpkins for Josh and I the other night but both places I went to didn't have any more. So we are pumpkin-less this year. However, I did dress up.

There will be work pics posted later tonight in between our trick-or-treaters...

Until then


Monday, October 27, 2008


So on Sunday was a pumpkin carving contest that Big Brothers Big Sisters put on. It started at 1 and Nic picked his pumpkin.

It only took us a half an hour to get it done and then had to proceed to wait until 2:30 for the judging to start and 3:15 for the results.

We took these just after it was done and then proceeded to head over to the park nearby. It was a colder day to stand outside in the shade of the pavilions carving pumpkins, however it was fun!

Josh and I are going to do our pumpkins probably on Thursday night so that they are still crisp for the trick-or-treaters (the 6 we got last year) to see.


So we had a company meeting last Friday and this is what they opened with.

It was quite funny. The accounting team are the ones dancing and putting it together. I am quite glad that I am not yet in that department. Especially to do that in front of 100+ immediate co-workers, as well as putting it on youtube!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lots of stuff

So it has been a while since I downloaded all my pics off my camera. So here goes...

This is Skeeter laying on the couch like she has never done before. I found it quite funny...
We hung out with our little brother Nic and taught him how to put together a tent. It lasted about 10 minutes and then he lost interest but it was a fun 10 minutes.

We owed the other softball team a couple BBQ's and this is what I brought to the first one. It was fun to make.
And really yummy to eat!!
We hung out with Nic again and thought that since he was a boy he would enjoy looking at the engine of something and smashing it to pieces... Needless to say we should have saved it for our neighbors oldest boy. He would have loved it.

But that's OK, it was fun none the less.
We had our first snow of the year earlier this month. It only lasted for the day, I don't think it even lasted the whole day.

That day I actually wore shoes to work. Now there is no snow and I am back to sandals!!
Our team made a double or nothing bet with the other softball team and we eventually owed them a 2nd BBQ. This is what I made for the 2nd BBQ.
I had a blast decorating it. I pictured what I wanted it to look like in my head and it turned out pretty close to it. I was pleased with the outcome!!
It is a delicious strawberry cake.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Teddy Bear Day

So last Wednesday was National Bring your Favorite Teddy Bear to work day. I was looking forward to taking my favorite one to work. Low-and-behold I forgot it at home. When I got to work I went on-line and searched teddy bears and found an image of one. I printed it out and taped it to my monitor so that I could still slightly participate in the day.

It doesn't look like my favorite teddy bear but it is semi close!

That is a picture of my puppy Skeeter on the monitor.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Some People

Some people that get elected into positions let the amount of power they have go to their head...

This was a popup on my Bonehead of the day award:

'Italy Makes Blogging A 2 Year Jailable Offense. They Didn't Mean To, But Still. Italian Government Response? 2 Bloggers Down, 4,999,998 To Go
Technology ignorant judge takes down freedom of speech in one stroke of his pen'

To read more on it click here

Next Week

Next Wednesday (October 8th) is National bring your Teddy Bear to work day.
I think all that read this should do it.. I am.

I will even take pictures for everyone to see everyones favorite Teddy Bear!! You should do the same!