Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 20, 2009

The reasoning

The reason we are doing foster care:

We have been trying for 3 years to start our family. Then about 11 months ago we went to a fertility doctor. We had a whole bunch of tests done and nothing showed up negatively for either of us. The next month I was started on a medication called Clomid. In the middle of doing these tests I had another test called an HSG (Hysterosalpingogram), now that was pain I didn't like one bit. I was on the Clomid for about 6 months with no success. Then my doctor took my records to another doctor that specializes in another aspect of the Gynecology background. They both decided by all of my ultrasounds that I have a syndrome called PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).

After the 6 months on Clomid I then started two medications one called Metformin (even though it is for type 2 diabetes, I don't have diabetes)and another called Femara. I was on those two for 4 months. Verdict is that I have a slim to no chance to bear my own kids. We are still hoping on the slim chance though.

We have stopped doing all the medications because it was costing about $700 a month and we just can't afford it anymore, especially since I went from full-time to part-time. We are just going to let nature take its course, and hopefully it will be to what we want it to be.

All through this my doctor said that I need to lose about 20 pounds. So far I have lost 34 and still no result (though it's taken about 10 months to lose it). I was also told to reduce my stress intake, so I quit my job at RightNow Technologies, Inc. and am working part-time at Van's IGA in Bozeman in the Deli. No stress at all. No thinking really required on the job except to not get burnt by the grease. About everyone I work with is great.

We are both ready for that next stage in life and that is why we have decided to do foster care. So many kids out there don't have homes and we want kids. So for us right now it is the best way for us to have kids.

We are still actively doing Big Brothers Big Sisters with our little brother Nick. Our house is just really full for about 2 hours each week.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Potty Training

Well potty training seems to be going fairly well. He now goes to the bathroom by himself and does everything but pull his pants back on. He doesn't do the poo in there yet but we are still working on it.

There is a court date on August 3rd for the boys and the determination on what is going to happen for/with them. As soon as we know something I will post it on here.

I am taking the boys to a playgroup in town Tuesday next week. It should be fun for the boys and it will help them socialize with kids their age.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The last 24 hours

Last night R had a temperature and so today he is just going to take it easy. He woke up around 4:30 and since he didn't eat dinner last night I gave him a banana and some yogurt. I put him in the tub to cool down his fever and he had a blast. I finally got him back to sleep around 6:45. I want him to take a nap later today so that he won't be too big of a pill for Josh tonight while I am at work so I woke him up at 8. He had some breakfast and is now lounging on the couch and taking it easy.
S wanted to join in, but it didn't last very long.
Mom Arlint and Teri made some blankets for each of the boys and brought them down yesterday. I came home from work around 9 PM and went in to check on them. This is how we found both of them...

This is S in the toy box mom Arlint brought down with some toys.

R really likes to line things up. He has been having a blast with the blocks (big legos).

Monday, July 6, 2009

The potty!!!

We were told that when the boys were at the foster family before us R started with potty training..... PIcture found here

Today is day one of potty training in the Arlint household and so far he has 10 stickers for going potty on the potty.. YAY.... Only 2 accidents in his briches!

Not to bad if I say so myself...

Mom Arlint came by today with a blanket and teddy bear for each boy to take with them when they leave us to go back to their mom. It is a way for them to know that they were in a place that loved them. They each have a life book and now I have enough pictures to send to Costco to get developed to put in each of them... It will probably be my project for this weekend.

Well they are off taking a nap (sorta(R fights it)). So I am going to do some laundry to get caught up.