Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fruit Torte

We were invited to a get-together at a friends house last night and they put me in charge of dessert..

This is what I decided to make...

It actually tasted really good. We didn't have any leftover to bring home...

Definately a keeper!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Thanks for the gift card mom and dad!!! Here is what I got!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Well this will be the last weekend we will have the boys in our care. They will be leaving on Sept 4. We will be taking them to Bozeman for the transition around 8 AM. We figure both boys will do a little better if we are the ones dropping them off and not someone else picking them up to drop them off.

We have no idea how R will take it as he will lose a lot of trust that he has built up with us as soon as he realizes that he won't be coming back to us. We hope the best for them. We have told the people they are going to that we are more then willing to stay in their life as much as the parents feel is right. If not at all we will understand but hope that at least for the first part they call us with questions as we have figured out what works best for them.

When they leave we all will miss them very much, but we know given the right circumstances they will prosper!

Boys you will be missed!

Josh hiking Mt Borah.

My sister-in-laws friend Roman took these pictures while we were in Boise visiting. Josh went on a hike up Borah with some of Mandy and Corys friends and family. Hope you enjoy the remainder of the pictures!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Verdict for Skeeter

She had the growth removed and is still pretty groggy after being put under for the procedure. She was pouting in the car on the way home so after I took this picture I let her ride in my lap the last few miles to the house.

It turns out that, that growth is called a Histiocytoma. Histiocytomas are classified microscopically as a round cell tumor. There are a variety of tumors included in the round cell tumor classification.

She is on a couple medications and can get the stiches out in 10 - 14 days.

Kunami is glad she is home and is concerned for her well being!

Totally want this.....

I totally want this sign for my fence!!!


Poor Skeeter

My poor puppy has a growth on her leg....

I dropped her off at the Vet this morning and am going to pick her up in about an hour because that growth is getting removed.

There is a slim chance that it may be cancerous, so I will keep everyone updated!

Boise Trip

Here are some pictures from our Boise trip!

All the kids hit it off really good!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Waterslide fun

I figured you all would like to hear how much fun the boys had on the waterslide!

Monday, August 16, 2010

R and nap time...

Now, R doesn't usually fall asleep during the day... However it does happen every once in awhile... Hee hee

Kunami playing...

This dog is definately a water dog!!

Story time

Both boys really like story time....

Wait, what am I saying..... All three boys like their story time!

Watermelon Shark

This was a project that I did to take to a friends house for a BBQ. It only took about 1.5 hours to complete!

It has watermelon balls, cantelope balls, green grapes, and sour worms in it!

Now this was fun to make!!

New friends

We have a couple doves that have been hanging around...

One day I was looking outside and saw that a bunny was eating the bird seed as well....Hee hee

Frontyard water fun!

One of our neighbors had an old pool that their kids used and now that their kids are older they asked if we would like to have the pool....

The waterslide was a gift from one of our friends.

We have had it out a few times.

They both really like playing in the water....as if you couldn't tell... :)