Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 25, 2012

J - Birthday cake

The girls were talking about their birthday cakes.

J decided that she wanted Spongebob trying to catch a jellyfish...

I hope she likes it...

Tomorrow is her birthday. So glad I got the cake done tonight!!

J + Ears

The before...

A very nervous girl!!

Getting the ears marked...

more waiting...

Wanted to hold my hand...

Not long before this was taken she looked at me and said "I don't want to do it anymore"

All done!

The result!

As we were checking out she was already looking at different kinds that she will want to buy when she is able to change them out... ha ha ha

V + haircut

She cut her hair at school and since then we have had tons of trouble getting her hair to do anything we want it to do...

She finally decided she wanted to have bangs so we got that done today...

It was snowing outside and she kept saying "I don't want to get my bangs wet..."

It was cute!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Boy Scouts Blue and Gold Ceremony

It was a long night but E was very happy that he was able to earn his patch.

All the boys in Den 11...

Tried to get a good one of Josh and E but this is as good as I could get!

38 weeks

Still no big contractions. Should only (hopefully) have about 2 weeks to go if not sooner!!!

Baby Shower

Everyone playing games...

Just me... ha ha ha

The really Yummy cake!!

Josh's favorite gift!!

I had help getting the bows on.. Ha ha ha

Thank you Sarah and Danielle for putting this on. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful gifts!!

Misc #2

Each of the girls wanted Josh to make a cast for them... This is the outcome!!

My V-day present from everyone. The purple ones are from Josh and the other one is from the kiddos!

Josh always says that he doesn't like it when Skeeter gets on the furniture and I came around the corner to find this scenario... HA HA HA

Girl Scouts V-day party

The party was a pretty good success. All the kids that were there had a good time!

I made Cream Cheese Peppermint Candies... They were YUMMY!!!

Build at Lowes...

The kids had a build at Lowes where they built Valentines boxes. The top flipped up a little bit to open a compartment for storage. I thought it was pretty cool...

37 weeks

No contractions yet that I am worried about. Just the braxton hicks ones. We definately can't wait till he gets here. Everyday Josh says, it wouldn't hurt my feelings if you went into labor today.. HA HA HA


I purchased these for all the kids for when the baby comes... The kids don't know about them yet... Waiting for Shiloh to come...

V decided that she was going to put her hood on by herself and didn't want any help. She forgot to fix her hair before I was able to tell her to wait so that I can get her picture taken...

E lost his first molar... He was very excited!!

This is who V likes to cuddle with when watching TV if Josh isn't available... ha ha ha

The girls had a girl scout event after E had a doctor appt. They both wanted their picture taken with the fish in the fish tank.