Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkin carving party Saturday night.....

Here is my 2010 Halloween cheesecake!!!

My 2010 Halloween cupcakes for the kids....!

Josh and E working on their pumpkins...

Our friends Sue, Jodi, Kenny, and Keith...

E working on his pumpkin again....

Kenny working on his pumpkin...

Keith done with his pumpkin...

Jodi working on her pumpkin...

Sue working on her pumpkin..

Pumpkins made by Kenny and Jodi!

Pumpkin made by Keith...

Pumpkin made by me (it is an eyeball not a spider!!)

Pumpkin by Sue...

Pumpkin by Josh... (he calls it his old man). He says he is going to make a new one each year but they all end up looking about the same!

Pumpkin by E...

E went downstairs to play his Xbox while the rest of the adults played Mexican Train...

We put in a movie for the kids and let them play in the living room.

Little Joshie is all decked out (Keith and Sues' youngest boy)

Sammy all decked out (Keith and Sues' youngest girl)

Overall it was a very fun night indeed!

Here are all the pumpkins on our front steps!

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